Concord Monitor Highlights Testimony from NHARL Board Member

A reporter for the Concord Monitor opened her article about House Bill 201 to ban cat declawing in New Hampshire by quoting board member Michelle Fransen-Conroy’s powerful testimony.

The reporter writes:

“Michelle Conroy can’t forget the heart-wrenching scenes from when she worked at a local animal hospital. There, during the 1990s, she witnessed young cats suffering in the aftermath of declawing procedures.”

‘They would be banging their hands trying to get the bandages off and the cage would be full of blood,’ said Conroy, a Concord resident, at the legislature on Tuesday. ‘They would just be wailing. It was an awful sight.’

The declawed cats would need to have their paws re-bandaged as the healing process slowed down.

After her testimony, Conroy urged the legislature to pass House Bill 201, a proposed ban on the procedure that removes the last bone on each toe of a cat’s paw.”

Board member Michelle Fransen-Conroy testifies about witnessing cats thrash about in pain upon awakening from declaw surgery