On Saturday, October 19, NHARL is once again participating in the Howl-O-Ween 5K hosted by the Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire at the Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester (1 Line Drive), 10:00 am.
We need walkers/runners to join our team — captained by board member Liz Herrick.
As of Oct. 14, online registration is closed. You can still register on the day of the race for $45 or help us at the NHARL table, which costs nothing. Send questions to info@nhanimalrights.org.
This is a great opportunity to get out and be active with the whole family, including your pooch(es). Get in the Halloween spirit and wear your favorite costume!
Not up for breaking a sweat? You can also donate to support our walkers/runners or visit our table at the event.
On the donation page, be sure to type “New Hampshire Animal Rights League” in the box (shown below) so that the NHARL team gets credit.