The NHARL Archives

These signs are currently in Joan’s garage.  It was getting really difficult to move around the storage unit, so Joan took all these older signs home and photographed them, with the idea that we might want to toss them. 

Circus Protest Signs

Joan proposes tossing these signs. We will always have these photos for posterity.

Fur and Trapping Protest Signs

Linda can decide if any should be tossed. We will always have these photos and can make new signs.

Lolita and Sea Animals Protest Signs

James can decide if he wants to keep any of these. We will always have these photos.

Animals in Research Protest Signs

Joan proposes tossing these signs. We will always have these photos and can make new signs.

Bull Riding Protest Signs

Keep but replace ones in bad condition before next protest.  

Misc Protest Signs

Joan proposes tossing these. We’ll always have the photos and can make new signs.