As always, the New Hampshire Animal Rights League was on the ground at the SNHU Arena in Manchester to protest the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) Tour.
The League led two impactful demonstrations before each scheduled show — Saturday evening, Dec. 17, and Sunday afternoon, Dec. 18.
Thank you to everyone who came out — especially those who were there for both shows! — to speak up for bulls.

Educating the public
While most ticketholders were not visibly receptive to the message that bull riding is animal abuse, demonstrators nonetheless succeeded in handing out more than 100 flyers (shown below).
The flyer content was inspired by the arguments we hear from those who think bull riding is harmless.
Going inside the arena

Although supporting the PBR (or any business that uses animals for profit or entertainment) is discouraged, one NHARL board member did go inside to see first-hand what the bulls are subjected to. She writes:
It was pretty awful being inside the arena. I did see “eye white” and “diarrhea butt.” When the bull is in the chute and the rider is getting mounted, sometimes there was an overhead view on the big screen. The bulls are pretty calm, like they know the routine, but the crew will punch or pinch the bull to upset him so the rider can make sure he has a good grip before the gate opens.
The least experienced riders went first and were thrown off within 4 seconds. In most cases the bull would quickly look for the exit gate and leave the ring (he probably gets a reward out back). But sometimes the bull would keep bucking without the rider, because the flank strap was still tight, or he’d charge at the ring crew before leaving.
And a few times the now rider-less bull seemed like he didn't want to leave, and would charge at the crew and run around the ring. In this case a guy on a horse with a lasso would rope the bull and lead him to the exit.
The music was really loud, and they had the pyrotechnics, and there was this stupid clown guy telling jokes and shooting prizes into the stands. Overall, it was just a completely inappropriate setting for a peaceful herd animal.
I did not see any bull become visibly injured while I was there, but I left before the show ended.
— NHARL board member
What You Can Do
- Don’t buy a ticket!
- Sign our petition.
- Contact the PBR sponsors, including Tractor Supply, to complain.