Promoting Our Wildlife Programs

Today NHARL had an exhibit at the Saving Special Places conference in Alton, NH to promote our various wildlife protection programs, coordinated by our volunteer Wildlife Programs Promoter, Caelin Graber. 

The conference attracted professionals working in conservation, land trusts, and natural resources management, so it was a perfect networking opportunity for NHARL.

One of our talented (and humble) members created this beautiful banner, printed on eco-friendly canvas

The colorful artwork drew visitors to our table and was the perfect starting point for talking about our wildlife programs and the philosophy of just leaving nature alone.

We gave out packets of native wildflower seeds.  

We also handed out postcards (shown below) with more information about our programs and copies of our Landowner’s Guide to Protecting Your Property.

New requests for free No Hunting signs are already coming in!

NHARL will be taking this “Choose Coexistence” exhibit on the road throughout the spring and summer to farmers’ markets and other events.