Support Endangered Wild Animals at Heron Pond

Fundraising Campaign to Support Endangered Wild Animals at the
Heron Pond Wetland & Wildlife "Preserve"
An “ecological gem”!

“Thank you!”


Click Photo for Full View. The 270 acres owned by the Town of Milford is home to the Blanding’s Turtle, an “umbrella” species. Being an “umbrella” species means that where the Blanding’s Turtle lives, then so do countless other animal species live under the naturally rich environmental umbrella. This is so true here that the natural resources scientist who studied this place calls it “an ecological gem”! But all these animals, including those that are NH-state threatened and endangered, are at high and imminent risk from development that would negatively transform the habitat. The only hope is good people are working hard to prevent the loss.


This special place in Milford, NH is outlined in white on the map. Click Photo for Full View. Unfortunately, the “preserve” is not currently protected as conservation land and instead is under intense pressure of development by Milford Town Officials. This means that these wild animals are at dire risk of losing their habitat permanently! The endangered animals in particular are highly susceptible to any habitat loss and many would perish as a result. Click Photo for Full View.


Since 2012 a group of dedicated citizens has been working hard against the intense pressure of development by Milford Town Officials. Being completely volunteer, the Heron Pond Project Team members spend their own money. The Heron Pond Project Team spends money on actions to help the wildlife as needed to protect them and advocate on their behalf. Costs include Turtle Crossing signs; materials for meetings before Town boards and State agencies such as handouts and posters; study of the wildlife, sometimes hiring expert consultants; equipment and gear – for example, night camera, head lamp; and we take legal actions when they are unavoidable such as now. Thank you for considering a donation to protect the Heron Pond Wetland & Wildlife “Preserve”! Email Us for questions, comments, or for more information.


Click on photo to view in full size.


The NH Animal Rights League is the fiscal agent of the Heron Pond Project Team. This beautiful place needs our help to Save it. From the tiny fairy shrimp in the vernal pool to the whitetail deer on the landscape, they are all important members of NH’s ecosystem and need this rich habitat to survive. Please help by giving a tax deductible donation today. Thank you and our deepest gratitude!